Dear Ashi,
A great story with much insight far beyond the 22 years you have spent on this ol' dirt ball we call home.
All the best to you and WaterGoddess.
my future brother in law (futurebro) is a great guy, as ive mentioned.
he really cares about people, doesnt want to hurt anyones feelings.
yet, now he was trapped between doing the right thing, and possibly losing his parents.
Dear Ashi,
A great story with much insight far beyond the 22 years you have spent on this ol' dirt ball we call home.
All the best to you and WaterGoddess.
just give me off the top of your head.... .
some of mine:.
fanny and alexander.
Did anyone note how many times "The Shawshank Redemption" has been listed? A great movie and a favorite of mine.
My most favoite (at the moment) "The Matrix". I could watch it every night. I'm lucky enough to have a DVD player with home theater digital surround sound so its like being there.
Some of my other favorites include:
The Searchers
Outlaw Josie Wales
White Castle
A Brox Tale
A River runs through it
Stand and deliver
Pearl Harbor (they could leave out the romance, and keep the history part)
Mad Max
Seven Samuri ( right on Ashi! a great movie even with subtitles)
Full metal Jacket
Bride of Frankenstien
The Enchanted Cottage
The Secret Garden
ALL of the Godfather series (with a special vote for part 2)
As good as it gets
There's something about Mary
Armageddon (outrageous special affects)
South Pacific
Citizen Kane
War Games
Hunt for Red October?
Forrest Gump
Romancing the Stone
Hang um High
The good, the Bad, and the Ugly
and I'm sure there are many more that I just can't think of in the heat of the moment!
Gosh, what do I wanna watch tonight........??????
the name of the site, jehovas
well sure we must have permission to say what we fell here, cant understan that ex say that this is ther site,.
havent they red the heading.
**********************************Hi happy, I am a jw also. Baptized nearly 29 yrs. I'm not sure if that makes me a lucky guy or not.
I come here for various reasons, one of which is to read up on subject matter that is almost never discussed among active jws for fear of reprisal, or at the very least for fear of appearing "spiritually weak", or appearing to have a "bad attitude".
Sometimes, I think we have not come all that far at all from the days of the mid-century Inquisitions.*********************************
When I read your post I thought of Shel Silverstien's poem titled "Invitation".
Hopefully he won't mind me dedicating it to you today.
"If your are a dreamer, come in,
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, (liar to mean likes to tell fair tales)
A hop-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer...
If you are a pretender, come sit by my fire
For we have some flaxen-golden tales to spin.
Come in!
Come in!"
For 29 years you've been dreaming that the "Troof" really is the "truth".
For 29 years you have been wishing and hoping it would come true and been spinning tales out preaching.
For 29 years you've hoped, prayed, and bought and sold the "magic beans"...
For 29 years you've pretended its the answer but obviously you have questions or you wouldn't be here.
Welcome to the forum.
Keep reading, AND there is no such thing as a stupid question so ask about anything you want info on. BTW, I have a couple for you....
Why is it that the JWs are known for their false prophecys?
What is significant about 1914, 1925, 1975? and so on and so on with the dates. What obviously didn't happen?
How long is a generation?
Will be looking for your forth right answers (and please, I don't want WT quotes)
the one thing that jws claim is the love they have for one another.
i am well aware of some of the things that have been done in the congregation for members and i believe real love was shown.
in times of natural disaster jws have been very good at caring for their own.
YOU, my dear, were manipulated at a very vunerable time in your life.
That "PO", and his wife, conspired to STEAL from a widow! My stomach is turning at the thought. So glad you had a contract.
Discredit jehovah's name, INDEED!
part 18: the last stand my brothers gift .
i had almost forgotten about my brothers gift.
the amalgamated wedding was now well over 2 years in the past.
Hi Amazing,
Thank you for the laughter, tears, and everything in between.
Every chapter was was a good one.
As we all look back on out lives we wish there were some things (many for me) we had done differently. Hind sight is always 20/20.
You have your family with you and that is the greatest blessing anyone who has escaped the borg can ask for.
is the matrix a prophetic vision of the borg?
neo: right now, we're inside a computer program?
morpheus: wild, isn't it?
****************2) and the law inforcement officials were better compared to the elders
[they know a little more than the everyday person but still follow orders sometimes something smells fishy but they manage to ignore it]*************************
You gave me more food for thought...and you are right.
is the matrix a prophetic vision of the borg?
neo: right now, we're inside a computer program?
morpheus: wild, isn't it?
Yes, mindchild,
"The Matrix" is a great movie. We have it and watch it all the time. I never fail (so far) to get something new from it everytime I watch it.
IMO it's main theme is about believing in yourself. If you "believe" you are the are the one! Neo had a hell of a ride to realization! It was great!
The WTS in many ways reminds me of the The Matrix and the agents remind me of the congo goon squad (better known as the elders).
Your commentary on the movie is very good and I enjoyed it...thanks
hi, my name is shari ann pieske aguillon, i was a member of your cult.
i want my name off of your members list, or whatever it is you keep.
the last address you had on me was 7553 stoney hill rd wake forest nc, 27526. .
What is with this "Apostate" word? It seems to be one of Yadirf's favorites.
Its just a frickin' word!
I looked it up in the "Funk & Wagnel's" dictionary, it only means someone who has left their religion.
Call me an apostate all you want......I could care less.
I like the word "escapee". It discribes me so much better!
an earlier discussion has been highlighting the differences between da'ing and df'ing.
xena said:i am sorry qadreena but i have never in the 20 some odd years i have been a jw ever heard of an unbaptised publisher being d/aed...marked as bad association yes..but d/ i guess stranger things can happen.... well that brought it all back.. actually xena the exact same thing happened to my brother in the early 80's.
he was only 14. he'd carried on associating with a friend of his who'd been disfellowshipped.
Dear Nic
I found your story so heartbreaking (wiping a tear away).
My sister has been Dsfd for 35 years, walked away, and never went back. I don't give a flying f**k what anybody thinks or does... shes my sister, I love her, and I will support her till I die.
I'm so glad you found your brother again. Don't concentrate on what was lost. Regret gains you nothing (hard to shake though). Think of the future and the good times you two will have. Then get on with it.
Good post.
i'm giving up smoking on the 22nd.
it will be the third time, but this time as part of a government sponsored training course with drugs and patches supplied etc.
anyone else given up and got any helpfull advise?.
It is best you stay on your toes. I used to find that when I would get in certain places I would really get the urge to have a "coffin nail".
I used to stand by the sliding glass door on the back of my house and have a cigarette after dinner. Boy did I stay away from there!
Do what ever it takes to keep yourself tobacco free.
100 pounds saved huh? ......that is so great!
Not to even mention how greatful your body is.....
Sunny....being very proud of ballistic!